Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
Matthew 5:8

All The Tools You Need To Help
Catholic priests are tasked every day with many roles and responsibilities. Among them is helping men, women and children combat the evils and effects of pornography.
Priests are expected to help fight in the battle of pornography without ever receiving specific training to do so – not while in seminary, and not once they are active priests. This must change.
It is a specific responsibility of the Catholic Church, and those of us who serve the Church, to provide help, encouragement, and forgiveness to those who are struggling with pornography use and to help protect our youth from preventable exposure.
Integrity Restored created the Three Pillars to Purity Online Priest Training Program to provide priests the tools to help them help others.
Integrity Restored's online program provides a unique three-pillar approach to combating the problem: science, spirituality, and relational – providing Catholic tradition-based answers to this ever-growing issue in our Church today.
This program has been designed specifically for priests, to equip them with the training and education they so badly need. Trained priests are then uniquely qualified to help the souls entrusted to their care.

What You Will Learn
Some priests and bishops have said the problem of pornography is one of the biggest challenges to evangelization today. We believe this program will help solve that problem. This program will train priests to be able to successfully navigate the challenges of evangelization and engagement in today’s pornified culture. Our approach is to educate our priests on:
- The science behind pornography addiction
- The adverse spiritual effects of pornography
- Why accountability and relationships are so important
- How to confidently talk about the problem
- How to help souls find mercy and healing
- How to protect marriages and children from the harms of pornography
- How to build a culture in their ministry that is equipped to stand in this battle
Additionally, there is a common misconception among people of faith with any fault or addiction, that the problem can simply be “prayed away”. This is rarely the case, especially with addiction. Therefore, we approach freeing individuals from pornography addiction and exposure using three pillars: science, spirituality, and relational – staying true to Catholic teaching.
What does the course cover?
Who is the course for?
How long is the course?
Make the Difference Today!
ONE PRIEST TRAINED has a ripple effect on all those entrusted to him
A DIOCESE OF PRIESTS TRAINED transforms a geographic location
A WORLD OF PRIESTS TRAINED helps transform society
To Gift this Program to a Priest, Click Here.
This program was launched on the feast of The Holy Guardian Angels – October 2, 2024